Here you can download all operating instructions for all models of our brands.
If you require operating instructions for a vehicle from an older model year, please contact your authorised dealer. Please have the serial number or vehicle identification number ready when making your enquiry.
Please note that the correct operating instructions are based on the model year of the respective vehicle and not on the date of first registration, which is not necessarily the same as the model year. It is therefore essential that you check the model year of your vehicle before downloading to ensure that you do not download the wrong operating instructions and then operate your vehicle incorrectly, which could lead to possible damage.
We expressly point out that Pössl Freizeit und Sport GmbH accepts no liability for damage caused by using operating instructions for the incorrect model year. Your authorised dealer will be able to inform you of the actual model year of a vehicle at any time on site by providing the vehicle identification number. If you have purchased a used vehicle privately, please contact us and have your serial number or vehicle identification number ready.